This is the place where you can see and manage the cache items. The cache items will appear here automatically as they are created via the Proxy API.
How to view list of cache items
To view list of all cache items, navigate to the CogCache CMS and then click on the Cache menu option from the left side. While on the cache items list, you can search them by prompt. You can also filter them by application.

For each cache item you can understand the following:
- the prompt
- the name of the application it belongs to; for example in the screenshot below that would be “Sales POC App“ or “RFP Copilot App“
- the date
- if the cache item has similar prompts or not; in the example below the first cache item has 3 similar prompts, in addition to the main prompt

How to add cache items
To add new cache items, navigate to the CogCache CMS and then click on the Cache menu option from the left side menu. Next, go ahead and click on the + Add cache item(s) button from top right.

A popup will open that will allow you to add the cache items.
There are two options:
Option 1: Add single cache item

Next, select the application where to store your cache item, enter the prompt and the answer, and then hit the Add cache item button. And that’s it. Your cache item is now created and will be used as a potential answer for prompts coming in via the Proxy API.
Option 2: Bulk CSV upload (FAQ file)

Next, select the application where to store the imported cache items, choose the CSV file. Additionally you will be asked to select which columns from the imported CSV represent the prompt and which represent the answer.
When you are ready, hit the Process CSV file button and that’s it. Your cache items from the CSV will be imported in seconds.
How to edit a cache item
To edit a cache item, navigate to the CogCache CMS and then click on the Cache menu option from the left side. Next, find the cache item you want to edit and click the edit button.

You will be navigated to the cache item edit page as seen below.

On this page you can edit the answer and manage the similar prompts. See more details below.
Currently is not possible to edit the main prompt. We might allow this in a future release.
.How to change the answer
You can easily change the answer by using the editable text area as seen below. Once you’re happy with your changes, just click the Save button and you’re done.
Note that if you make local changes to the answer and you want to revert to the server version, you can always go ahead and click the Reset changes button.
Good to know
When you edit the answer, the next time this cache item will be served via the Proxy API it will use the updated answer.

Similar prompts
By adding similar prompts to a cache item you will increase the chances for that cache item to be returned. What happens is that we will employ both exact and semantic search match on main and similar prompts while searching for cache items.
We recommend to add similar prompts which represents a variation of the main prompt in terms of meaning. For example, if the main prompt is this What will be the impact of 5G on Fintech and what will be the economic impact on the overall market?
you can add the following similar prompts:
How will 5G affect Fintech and its economic effect on the market?
What are the consequences of 5G on Fintech and its overall economic impact?
In what ways will 5G influence Fintech and the broader market's economy?

How to delete cache items
To delete cache items, navigate to the CogCache CMS and then click on the Cache menu option from the left side.
Next, there are two options:
Delete a single cache item
To delete a cache item, first find the one you want to delete and then click the more menu button. From the menu that opens choose the Delete option.

The delete cache item popup will open as seen below.

Next, go ahead and confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button. And that’s it.
Bulk delete cache items
To delete multiple cache items at a time, click the checkbox button for each corresponding cache item that you want to delete. Then click the Delete selected button, top right.

The delete cache items popup will open as seen below.

Next, go ahead and confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button. And that’s it.
How to export cache items
To export cache items, navigate to the CogCache CMS and then click on the Cache menu option from the left side. Next, go ahead and click on the Export button from top right.

A popup will open that will allow you to export the cache items.

Next, select if you want to export cache items from all applications, or restrict export to a single application. Finally, click the Exportbutton. A CSV file with the requested cache items will be downloaded to your computer.